
What If Adventure Time Was A 3d Anime Game Nudity Cheat Code

Pinnacle 7... Games people seriously thought had nude codes

Without a stitch

Oh, nude codes. Constantly mocked and relentlessly popular, they are our hush-hush shame, 1 of those things you brand fun of to your friends while dreading the mean solar day someone stumbles on your cyberspace history. Around since scientific discipline developed the offset vaguely homo-shaped dodder of pixels, these mythical codes have been the holy grail of teenage sexual frustration for decades. Ayane, Tifa, Sub-Zero, Solid Serpent, you lot proper name em, theres a nuddy code for them--except not really, because the vast majority are completely imitation.

To prove it, we bring y'all the Top seven Games people thought had nude codes (merely didn't). Here nosotros present a careful investigation of how they captured the filthy imagination of the gaming earth, and if you ask me youd all-time stick with our research. Things go scary when safesearch goes off.

7. Mortal Kombat 2

I know that when I'chiliad playing a game nearly ripping out my enemies' spines, I always experience like there'due south a missed opportunity for a peek at the flesh I'g rending. Such is the example with Mortal Kombat, and though rumors of "nudalities" in Mortal Kombat 2 gave usa some hope, that dream has been brutally and mercilessly shattered past facts.

"Nudalities," fatalities that involved the player character getting naked (in a really deadly way?) were the talk of middle school hallways and sleepovers everywhere. The purpose of these body-bearing powers was never actually brought upwards, nor was their function in the game, but who cares! Boobs! The thought was so popular that some believe nudalities to exist to this solar day, even though they were never programmed in and never seen anywhere no matter what Craig from third-period math told y'all. The rumor became so famous that the parody game Tattoo Assassins included a few nude fatalities for laughs, merely they would never appear in Mortal Kombat itself. Alas, no look at Goros hot bod before he rips a guy'southward confront off.

half dozen. Ocarina of Time

Nintendo is not amused by your birthday arrange shenanigans. A company that largely caters to the E for Everyone oversupply, they are known for putting the smackdown on explicit content, and getting characters naked falls pretty neatly into that category. That in mind, yous wouldn't think people would fall for the claim that there are nude codes in Zelda: Ocarina of Time, or even peculiarly want them. And you would remember wrong.

A rumored code (creatively chosen the All Lon Lon Ranch Nude! code) was said to turn the humble Hyrulian farm into a nudist colony, giving Talon, Malon, and Ingo naked skins, considering that's definitely what we were all gunning for. The rumor was supposedly instigated past Nintendo developer Dan Owsen who came under fire from horny fans when they discovered it was all a hoax. All the same, an aboriginal Zelda fansite called Cupboard of Hyrule took credit for instigating the rumor and posting the 66-step "code" (now only available on a Tripod website--let that xc'southward web design soak in) and blaming Owsen. All for a agglomeration of naked ranch hands. Well okay and so.

five. GoldenEye 007

Ofttimes nude code rumors come from overactive imaginations, playground bragging, and a vast game of social telephone that twists whispered lies into behemoths much bigger than they ever should have been. Other times, it's one guy with publishing power and no idea what he is well-nigh to unleash.

Dorsum in the day, N64 Gamer deputy editor Narayan Pattison superimposed an epitome of a topless woman into a screenshot from Goldeneye 007 and captioned it with, "Write in and we may give you the nude code." A lighthearted express joy, you might say, but the boob-crazed of the world felt differently, and N64 Gamer was flooded with 1000s of responses as hapless fools begged for the code. Eventually Pattison had it to tell them that their princess was in another castle--whatsoever other castle, merely please leave--though messages allegedly kept pouring in for another six months before everyone got the hint. Over ten years later, Pattison revealed that GoldenEye Nudegate is nevertheless 1 of his most prominent memories virtually the game, and yep, I figure that kind of matter would stick with you.

4. Metroid

In one case upon a fourth dimension, Samus was a neat enigma; a bounty hunter shrouded in mystery and traffic-cone orange armor. Minds were blown at the cease of Metroid when she was revealed to exist a woman, taking advantage of player expectations to create a huge twist that called into consideration how women were viewed by the manufacture. Some players thought about that anyway, just a lot more were interested in seeing her naked. Sigh.

The developers had a flake of a paw in this one, as her flashy reveal has her clad in a bikini and/or stripped down to jimmies (its hard to tell with those graphics). Either way, news spread that if you did actually well at the game, y'all would be rewarded with a naked Samus waving at you in the games very, very special ending. All the same, such a feature was never part of Metroid and all searches were in vain, depriving hard-working nerds everywhere of the slightly altered pixel coloration they then desired.

3. Super Mario 64

Comprise yourselves, ladies and admirer, I know this thwarting cuts deep. Super Mario 64 has always been a goldmine for fans of easter eggs, like finding Yoshi on summit of the castle or uncovering the secret area in Tall, Tall Mountain. Merely sadly, oh so sadly, a naked Mario code is not amidst them.

Circulated in the early days of Super Mario 64 because why not, it was believed that some combination of push button presses and adolescent wishes would end with Mario going au naturel. While videos have emerged showing our intrepid plumber exploring Peachs Castle in the buff, they arent the consequence of Nintendos programming, just of Gameshark recolors. (The chest buttons are a dead giveaway I promise.) Virtually replicators have been open well-nigh their tools so this rumor never reached 50 is Real levels of fanaticism, but some trolls breathed life into it however. All the same, punching in a code sadly wont cut it hither, and so those without Gameshark mods wont get to see Marios birthday suit. And yep, that goes for Peach too.

ii. Half-Life ii

Alyx Vance is one of the nearly effective AI partners in gaming. She stands on equal ground with Gordon, fighting alongside him, interacting with him in realistic ways and existence sweet and entertaining along the mode. Shes a triumph of the medium, showing how gameplay and story can work together to create a dynamic character and feel. Thats absurd and all, but when does she have her clothes off?

As popular as Alyx is in many circles, it wasnt long earlier rumors of nude codes for Half-Life 2 began to circulate--I'm guessing a couple hours after release, give or take. While they probably would have subsisted all on their lonesome, Thou-Mod lit a burn down under that rocket with a collection of naked mods created just for that purpose. While Valve never specifically programmed in a nude code and there isnt an option to actuate one, yous accept to wonder if information technology matters. All Im saying is dont search for pictures of her while in a public place. Your dignity volition thank me.

1. Tomb Raider

Hither information technology is, the mother of all nuddy rumors, the stuff of leafless legends: the Tomb Raider nude code. Lara Croft captivated audiences from the commencement with her athleticism and tiny short-shorts, so information technology was merely a matter of time earlier someone lit that twitchy and uncomfortable powder keg. Light it they did, spreading the rumor that Lara Croft could be played in the buff with just the right code, and the earth promptly exploded.

The instigator of this rumor is unknown but, really, did anyone check their sources here? Or were they also busy trying to get the camera to zoom in on Lara's boobs by running into the wall at the right angle? Players drastic to get a look nether Laras adventure gear were willing to believe: no matter what. Even when developers said that no such code always existed. Its since been the subject of about a one thousand April Fools pranks, and when the devs indicate out that theyre nevertheless not making 1 its with, at all-time, lighthearted exasperation. But were living in the age of mods now, so players tin can get the nude Lara they always wanted, even if the creators wont give it to them. Accept that, I guess!

Avoid your eyes

Beloved them, hate them, weep into your pillow every night because yous were one letter off from seeing Kitana naked (honest!), nude codes accept embedded themselves into gaming psyche and then deep that as long equally devs keep not making them, gamers volition keep pretending they did. Got a nude code story for us? Swear your friend whose brother works at Nintendo got ane of these to piece of work? Desperately want to testify us wrong and show that ane of these is true? Tell usa in the comments beneath, and retrieve this: if yous go looking for proof, bring the brain bleach, and dont say I didnt warn y'all.

And if you're interested in more than, check out the weirdest theories nearly Pokemon and the creepiest urban legends in all of gaming.

Former Associate Editor at GamesRadar, Ashley is now Atomic number 82 Writer at Respawn working on Noon Legends. She's a lover of FPS titles, horror games, and stealth games. If you can see her, you're already dead.


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